There are countless of stories about how one or another mother's business came into being a thing. I feel like a lot of them start with "I was unhappy with what was on the market." And so it was in my case. Thanks to my calm first baby, I had time to think about what I missed on the market, what I already have at home and how it could be improved. So I started playing with the idea of creating something of my own. I've always been tempted to have my own business (thanks to Mom and Dad for the inspiration) and this seemed like the ONE thing that might work. 

They say the hardest thing is to start. You have the idea, you are constantly playing with it in your mind. If you wake up with the idea in the morning and go to bed in the evening (and it takes a few weeks), maybe it's time to sit down, take a pen and a paper and start writing it down. As I said, I was not satisfied with what on the market regarding newborn loungers and nests. But I knew quite clearly what I had in mind- an aesthetic but practical product for babies and their parents. So I started looking for someone who would put it on a paper and help me bring it to life. And where to look better than at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design. 

The original form of the bag in which we pack the BabyBeams nest.

Two amazingly talented young designers, Bára and Kristýna, put together what I had been visualising in my head for so long. Over the course of a year, we figured out what the BabyBeams lounger should look like. Should it be more oval or round? Will it have handles on the sides? In color or neutral? During the process, we always emphasized the quality of the design itself and materials. Both providing maximum comfort for the baby that will rest in it. Also, we focused on the practicality for the parents who will use it. At our meetings (and on a pile of calls because of covid), we tuned the smallest details, remade what didn't work, and tried countless options from which we finally picked the one you see now on the e-shop. It is made of organic cotton, which is extremely soft to the touch. The lounger is made for you by our talented seamstresses, in the hearth of Europe, in the Czech republic. All of us were always having your babies in mind. Their comfort, safety and the joy they are bringing throughout their life. That's what we care about the most and hopefully our products will bring you as much joy as this job brings to us.  

My daughter bravely tested all the prototypes. She just grew up a little. 

We still have a lot of work, tears and sweat ahead of us. But I believe in the joy and fulfillment that comes with every positive feedback. So thank you for your ultimate support, both to all those who are involved in the brand and to those of you who support us with your purchases. Without all of you, there would be nothing. So I send many hugs to all of you (and I'm going to deal with more emails)!

With love, K.