Safety instructions

Safety is an absolute priority for BabyBeams. Therefore, please note that BabyBeams Lounger was designed as an occasional place for your baby to rest and not as a replacement for a cot and mattress.

Safety rules when using BabyBeams Lounger:

  • Never leave a baby in the BabyBeams lounger unattended. Keep your baby under control all the time when in the lounger. 
  • Never carry a BabyBeams Lounger with a baby in it. 
  • Do not place any plush or other toys in the BabyBeams Lounger.
  • The baby should always lie on its back in the BabyBeams Lounger.
  • Use the BabyBeams Lounger only on a flat and stable surface.
  • Do not use the lounger on a surface from which it could fall to the ground.
  • If you have a cover on the BabyBeams Lounger, make sure it is fitted correctly.


With love 